A guest post by Piper Arpan McTaggart.
It takes a village to make a great show. Everyone has unique gifts and talents to share. That being said, be humble. Be kind. Know where you fit in to the mix.
As a director and choreographer, I have not hired incredibly talented actors or technicians because I knew their backstage behavior needed too much work. Being hireable is as much about your person as it is your talent.
Making a career in the arts is challenging. We must deal with constant rejection. We must be vulnerable. We must be fearless enough to share ourselves with the world. Isn’t that hard enough? A cancerous attitude backstage can be totally contagious. Don’t get caught up in the ‘drama’ behind the drama! You’ll make everyone around you want to work with you more, and you’ll all have a better time doing it. Remember, jerks don’t work.