Are you dancing with two left feet?


dancing with two left feetA post by Jenna Wilcox, PAA Artistic Director.

Did you know that scientists have discovered that the dancers among us have a different genetic make up and their genetic difference is what makes them great dancers?ย  It adds to the notion that we were all born to be someone and make a mark in this world.ย  I suspect that my genetic code would clearly put me in the non-dancer segment of the population.ย  Nevertheless, I pursued and earned a degree in Musical Theatre.ย  A degree which required dance.ย  Yes!ย  Me! Dance!

I often tell people that I am an actor and singer but I just play a dancer onstage.ย  If you feel like me, a dance audition or even participation in a musical might feel daunting or even downright terrifying.ย  Have no fear!ย  You are not alone.ย  Here are some of my tips for being the best dancer I can be:

  1. Remain calm.ย  This might sound silly but it is true that if you allow your breath to become erratic and your heart rate to rise, you will have a harder time understanding what you are to learn.ย  If you can practice controlling your breath and keeping calm (see last weekโ€™s post) you will hear more of the instructions.
  2. Give it a try.ย  You might discover that you can do more than you think and you will build confidence the more you try and get right.
  3. Ask questions.ย  Never be afraid of asking for clarification or for the choreographer to show you again.
  4. Practice!ย  The only way to practice auditioning is to audition.ย  The only way to practice dance is to dance.ย  You may want to consider enrolling in a dance class.ย  Start with something that interests you and grow from there.ย  Before you know it you might be questioning if you have that dancer gene too.

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