Earn High School Credit for Classes at PAA


PAA has partnered with Alta Independent, who has verified that our curriculum meets their credit requirements. To receive High School credit you will need to enroll in and complete a semester-long PAA class or show.

Students can earn 0.5 credits for each PAA semester-long class or show (minimum 60 hours of instruction) which can be applied toward P.E., Fine Arts, or Electives requirements for your High School Diploma.



STEP 1: Register and complete a semester-long PAA class or show

Any of the classes or shows offered in our Spring or Fall semesters will qualify for school credit. PAA Summer camps will not qualify since they do not meet the required number of instructional hours.ย SPRING SEMESTER

STEP 2: Work with Alta Independent to apply for your credits

Alta Independent is a fully accredited online high school that offers high school education to students on a full-time, part-time, and dual enrollment basis. Alta Independent will verify the hours of instruction with PAA and work directly with your high school to transfer the appropriate credits.

Read more about how to work with Alta Independent here.

Summer Shows

Swamped Logo


She Kills Monsters Logo

She Kills Monsters

Big Fish Logo

Big Fish School Edition

Madagascar Jr. Logo

Madagascar Jr

Pajama Party Logo

Pajama Party

Catch Me If You Can Logo

Catch Me If You Can

Newsies Jr. Logo

Newsies Jr

Toys Logo

Toys! The Night They Come Alive

Aristocats Kids logo

Aristocats KIDS

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Logo

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Moana Jr. Logo

Moana Jr

Beetlejuice Jr. Logo

Beetlejuice Jr. – Parker

Annie Jr. Logo

Annie Jr

Alice In Wonderland Jr. Logo

Alice in Wonderland JR.

Beetlejuice Jr. Logo

Beetlejuice Jr. – Greenwood Village

PAA Awards
