Part of a series in which we interview our teachers and staff to learn more about them and get their insights into the world of performance. This week’s interview is with Kryssi Martin, who works as a summer teacher for PAA and directed “High School Musical Jr” this past summer.
How long have you been working with PAA?
KM: Two summers
How many years have you been working in the performing arts?
KM: 30, 35 years? It’s been a long time.
What is your performance background?
KM: I’ve had experience acting, directing, writing, and teaching
What is your favorite role or production you’ve been involved in?
KM: My favorite production I’ve been involved in was directing The Pirates of Penzance at Littleton High School
What is your top piece of advice for aspiring performers?
KM: Never give up, never surrender
What do you think makes PAA special or unique?
KM: I think what makes Performing Arts Academy special is the phenomenal support and the positive approach
What is your most embarrassing performing arts moment?
KM: I don’t believe in embarrassment on stage, but any surprising moments aren’t fit for mixed company!
What is your favorite quote?
KM: “If you aren’t enjoying the show so far, you’re wrong” -Steve Martin
Anything else you want to share?
KM: I look forward to starting my summer with PAA, it’s a great healing reminder of why I do theatre