PAA Core Values: Curriculum (Part 3 of 3)


curriculum blog photoIt may seem strange that we hold curriculum as a core value at PAA. ย Curriculum is defined as “the subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college”. Keeping curriculum at the center of our focus helps all of us at PAA work toward the common goal of educating our students. ย This education happens in the classroom and we hold ourselves to the state standards of music and arts education. ย Each and every lesson is planned and designed to take all students in the class to the next level of learning and self expression. ย Education also happens in rehearsals. ย We use our rehearsals to apply the skills learned in the classroom and create the “teachable moment”.

What we teach and how we teach it is a critical componentย of our work at PAA. ย And with everyone at PAA focused on education and helping students to learn something new or grow in a learned skill set, we regularly see students achieve new levels of performance. ย It is common for us to watch a student who struggles with dance, master a combination in choreography, for example. ย While it is common, it remains remarkable and exciting. ย Our teachers love watching students achieve what they thought was out of reach through hard work and practice. ย It is our hope and goal that every student, regardless of their current level of skill, grows as an artist and performer with every passing opportunity at PAA.

Have you seen this growth in your son or daughter? ย As a student at PAA, what have you learned? ย When did you face a challenge that seemed out of reach? ย Did you meet the challenge and experience success? ย Please comment below. ย We love to hear from you!

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