Rising Star Awards Program

Broadway actors have the Tony Award.

Film actors have the Academy Awards.

Musicians have the Grammy Award.

And now,  PAA Students have The Rising Star Awards Program.

Our FREE Rising Star Awards Program for 3rd -12th grade students aims to advance students through performing arts experiences while building essential life skills and excellent character.

The program aligns with our mission and vision by:

  • Fostering life skills including confidence, empathy, and self-expression
  • Enhancing character development & leadership skills
  • Preparing students for high school, college, and beyond

For nearly two decades, we’ve poured our passion into developing the Rising Stars Awards Program that will honor, celebrate, and empower our students.

We’ve crafted a unique way to recognize their potential while preparing them for life’s next stages—and we’re thrilled to share this star-powered journey with you!

Ready to shine? ✨



3rd Grade - 12th Grade

Star Levels:

Emerging Star

  • Perform in a total of 2 PAA shows

  • Complete 2 PAA classes

  • Present 1 music selection, monologue, or dance at a PAA showcase

  • Earn 3 Leadership Badges

Breakout Star

  • Perform in a total of 5 PAA shows

  • Complete 5 PAA classes

  • Present 2 contrasting audition music selections, dances, or monologues at a PAA showcase

  • Earn 8 Leadership Badges

Soaring Star

  • Perform in a total of 8 PAA shows

    • Or a combination of at least 6 PAA shows and additional school or outside shows

  • Complete 8 PAA classes

  • Earn 12 Leadership Badges

  • Compile and perform a piece with at least 2 other performers at a PAA recital event

  • Assemble Portfolio Level 1 (see below)

Shining Star

  • Perform in a total of 10 PAA shows

    • Or a combination of at least 8 PAA shows and additional school or outside shows

  • Complete 10 PAA classes

  • Earn 15 Leadership Badges

  • Present a group recital with 3 Full Songs of varying styles, 3 full monologues, and a choreo routine (accompanist provided)

  • Assemble Portfolio Level 2 (see below)

Broadway Star

  • Perform in a total of 12 PAA Shows

    • Or a combination of at least 10 PAA shows and additional school or outside shows

    • Must include at least 1 Conservatory Show

  • Complete a total of 12 Classes

  • Earn 20 Leadership Badges

  • Assemble Portfolio Level 3 (see below)

Super Star

  • Perform in a total of 16 PAA shows

    • Or a combination of at least 12 PAA shows and additional school or outside shows

    • Must include at least 2 PAA Conservatory shows

  • Complete a total of 12 classes

  • Earn 25 Leadership Badges

  • Prepare, organize and present a recital to friends and family of at least 5 songs, 3 monologues, and 2 choreographed routines.

    • Rehearse with your accompanist ahead of time.

    • PAA will contract the accompanist.

  • Assemble Portfolio Level 4 (see below)

Portfolio Levels

  • Portfolio Level 1: Create / show audition portfolio including properly labeled and printed cuts for at least 1 ballad, 1 uptempo, and 1 golden age / monologues: 2 contrasting contemporary monologues that come from published plays (not movies)

  • Portfolio Level 2: Create / show audition portfolio including properly labeled and printed cuts for at least 1 ballad, 1 uptempo, and 1 golden age + 1 comedic, 1 pop, 1 disney monologues: 2 contrasting contemporary monologues that come from published plays (not movies) + classic (not shakespeare)

  • Portfolio Level 3: 1 uptempo, and 1 golden age, 1 comedic, 1 pop, 1 disney + 1 patter song, 1 sondheim and 3 of any choice / monologues: 2 contrasting contemporary monologues that come from published plays (not movies), 1 classic + Shakespeare + comedic

  • Portofolio Level 4: 1 uptempo, and 1 golden age, 1 comedic, 1 pop, 1 disney + 1 patter song, 1 sondheim and 3 of any choice / monologues: 2 contrasting contemporary monologues that come from published plays (not movies), 1 classic + Shakespeare + comedic

Leadership & Skills Badges:

Leadership (25)

  1. Mentor a Star Program participant

  2. Assistant direct a production at PAA

  3. Assistant choreograph a production at PAA

  4. Assistant music direct a production at PAA

  5. Be a student assistant for a K-2 Show

  6. Recite the PAA mission and vision statement to Dr. Jim

  7. Describe the PAA WAY to Dr. Jim or a staff member

  8. Create a one page resume

  9. Write a 1-2 page essay on why you like musical theatre

  10. Interview and document a friends experience during a PAA show

  11. Write a letter to a teacher who has impacted you

  12. Interview a PAA teaching artist on any topic related to the performing arts

  13. Be a dance captain for a PAA show

  14. Lead 2 vocal warm ups for your cast (arranged with director)

  15. Lead 2 physical warm ups for your cast (arranged with director)

  16. Organize a cast bonding night

  17. Lead a gathering time for your cast (arranged with director)

  18. Create your own PAA swag and present to Dr. Jim or Ms. Melanie

  19. Become a Social Media Take-Over Ambassador for One Day

  20. Complete a tech work-study for a PAA program

Skills (25)

  1. Complete a Costuming class

  2. Complete a Makeup class

  3. Enroll in a tech workshop

  4. Perform with your class at a Showcase

  5. Perform at the PAA Gala

  6. Participate in an audition workshop

  7. Attend/Participate in a workshop with a broadway actor

  8. Complete a Tap class

  9. Complete a Ballet class

  10. Complete one class in each discipline (Singing, Dancing, Acting)

  11. Understudy a role in a PAA show

  12. Write a 10 min short-story play for 3 - 5 characters

  13. Write a 2-3 minute song for voice and instrument

  14. Design and sew an original costume

  15. Complete an advanced level class in voice

  16. Complete an acting improv class

  17. Complete a summer theater skills camp

  18. Complete an advanced level class in dance

  19. Execute a double pirouette and a triple time step for Ms. Madaline

  20. Execute your left and right splits all the way down

  21. Perform a non-English language solo song at a showcase or recital

  22. Complete an actor tracking sheet for a show you’re in and have it signed by your director

  23. Pass Ms. Madeline’s Ballet Terminology quiz

  24. Pass Dr. Jim’s Beginning Voice Class Music Theory final quiz

  25. Pass Dr. Jim’s Intermediate Voice Class Music Theory final quiz

  26. Perform an instrumental song at a PAA showcase

Social & Community (10)

  1. Attend 2 PAA shows

  2. Attend any show at DCPA

  3. Attend any show at Littleton Town Hall or Arvada Center

  4. Attend a PAA movie night

  5. Attend PAA Karaoke night

  6. Do a PAA social media challenge

  7. Invite a new friend to take a class or show at PAA

  8. Attend a college prep workshop at PAA