Spring 2022 Mask Policy Update


Given the rapid decline in case counts in Douglas and surrounding counties, we are now able to safely suggest that masks may be optional in classes of 10 students or less. Students will continue to be socially distanced for the majority of the time while in class. However, students in rehearsals for Little Mermaid, Orient Express, Winnie the Pooh, and Footloose will continue to wear masks until the case counts decline much further. Please keep in mind, it is our intent at this point for students to perform these productions without masks later this spring.

Again, we thank you for patience, understanding and support while we continue to safely navigate through the hopeful end of the pandemic.

Please do not hesitate to reach out directly to Dr. James Ramsey if you have any questions or concerns at drjim@paacolorado.org or 303-900-7041 x1.

Summer Shows

Swamped Logo


She Kills Monsters Logo

She Kills Monsters

Big Fish Logo

Big Fish School Edition

Madagascar Jr. Logo

Madagascar Jr

Pajama Party Logo

Pajama Party

Catch Me If You Can Logo

Catch Me If You Can

Newsies Jr. Logo

Newsies Jr

Toys Logo

Toys! The Night They Come Alive

Aristocats Kids logo

Aristocats KIDS

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Logo

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Moana Jr. Logo

Moana Jr

Beetlejuice Jr. Logo

Beetlejuice Jr. – Parker

Annie Jr. Logo

Annie Jr

Alice In Wonderland Jr. Logo

Alice in Wonderland JR.

Beetlejuice Jr. Logo

Beetlejuice Jr. – Greenwood Village

PAA Awards
