It all starts with that first step


A guest post by Brian Olson, PAA marketing consultant.

It all starts with that first stepThere’s a great joke about a guy in New York asking a cab driver how to get to Carnegie Hall. The response? “Practice man, practice.” Success is hard work!
It’s been an awesome summer of performances by St. Luke’s Performing Arts Academy. Seeing the kids performing, both on-stage and behind the scenes in front of enthusiastic crowds was simply terrific. What the audience didn’t see was literally days before, kids were just beginning the audition process.
I was lucky enough to watch productions like “Jungle Book,” “Aladdin” and “Hairspray” come to life, each day seeing the incredible progress kids made as they built their characters, literally and figuratively leading up to opening night.
Guiding these wonderful kids was a dedicated and very talented staff nurturing, encouraging and guiding each child. Every child was unique with talents to match. One child could no way put on a production all by themselves, but working together, blending all their talents together with a common goal was proof of just how special St. Luke’s Performing Arts Academy is.
The days were long. The work was hard. But watching the staff and kids grow each and every day was only matched by the actual on-stage performance. The kids wowed the crowds. As for the hard work I watched, all I can say is …WOW!
Heading into the fall, there are a myriad of opportunities for kids. Never played a flute? It alls starts with just one note. Never danced on stage? It all starts with that first step. Never sang a solo or in a chorus? You’ll never know you can unless you try. St. Luke’s Performing Arts Academy provides you the stage and staff to succeed.
These opportunities help you develop the skills and confidence that will take you through school, college and your professional career. I met a lot of kids this summer well on their way to success. Start your journey today.

Summer Shows

Swamped Logo


She Kills Monsters Logo

She Kills Monsters

Big Fish Logo

Big Fish School Edition

Madagascar Jr. Logo

Madagascar Jr

Pajama Party Logo

Pajama Party

Catch Me If You Can Logo

Catch Me If You Can

Newsies Jr. Logo

Newsies Jr

Toys Logo

Toys! The Night They Come Alive

Aristocats Kids logo

Aristocats KIDS

Diary of a Wimpy Kid Logo

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Moana Jr. Logo

Moana Jr

Beetlejuice Jr. Logo

Beetlejuice Jr. – Parker

Annie Jr. Logo

Annie Jr

Alice In Wonderland Jr. Logo

Alice in Wonderland JR.

Beetlejuice Jr. Logo

Beetlejuice Jr. – Greenwood Village

PAA Awards
