CoronaVirus Preparations for the Fall Semester


We learned a lot this summer about how to hold in-person classes with students during a pandemic. Things like, how to prevent exposure between classes by assigning dedicated teaching artists for that class only. How limiting the total number of students on campus at one time prevents students from unnecessary quarantine. How the combination of learning outside, wearing masks, and frequent hand sanitizing prevents the spread of germs between classmates.

These lessons and more will make our Fall semester even more resilient to interruptions. Here are all of the ways we are putting these lessons to use this fall:

Program Adjustments

  • Students will be in smaller casts and classes to comply with the current guidance provided by local and state government officials for indoor spaces. In turn, this allows for more individual instruction as well as featuring more students in our staged productions.
  • All students and staff will maintain adequate social distancing of at least 6โ€™. Performance blocking and choreography will be adjusted to accommodate these requirements.
  • Classes and rehearsals will take place either upstairs or downstairs at St. Lukeโ€™s UMC, limiting the amount of movement throughout the building.
  • We will not use stage makeup during performances โ€“ depending on the program, students may use makeup from home.
  • Students will be asked to bring and wear a mask during most of their time while at PAA. If a personal mask is not available, PAA will make every attempt to provide a student mask.


Procedural Changes

  • Student check-in/out is outside the St. Lukeโ€™s building while weather is good.ย  The check-in/out station for programs will be in front of the main entrance.
  • Parents are asked to wait in their cars or outside of the building during pick up and drop off. In case of inclement weather, the Production and Site Manager will advise parents or guardians on the updated procedure via email.
  • Students are asked not to arrive early, and will not be allowed to linger after classes and rehearsals.


Hygiene Adjustments

  • All faculty and staffโ€™s temperatures will be checked regularly.
  • Students will be asked to wash their hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer before and after each rehearsal and performance.
  • Please take your students temperature before coming to PAA. If they have a fever 100.4 or above or is close and donโ€™t feel well, please stay home.
  • Students will use hand sanitizer after they blow their nose, sneeze, or cough into their mask and elbow. PAA uses a hand sanitizer that is between 62% and 70% alcohol based.
  • PAA will be cleaning high-touch surfaces in the building before and after each class and rehearsal such as handles, door panels, hand railings, drinking fountains, sinks, urinals, etc. with a certified disinfectant that is state approved for preschools.
  • PAA will sanitize and disinfect the restrooms regularly while in the building.




Please take a look at our full CoronaVirus Response page, as well as our Fall Semester FAQs.

PAA Classes


Dances from Broadway!


Singing For the Stage: Disney Songs


Broadway Babies


Creating a Character

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Stage Makeup


Adult Musical Theatre Jazz


Conquering the Dance Audition


Triple Threat


Musical Theatre Dance


Triple Threat

PAA Awards
