Intensive I:Essentials a.k.a. What do I need to bring?

It is time already to begin packing your bag for PAA. ย Can you believe it? ย I hope you have been listening to your CD and reading your script because no matter how many lines you have, you are expected to know your show on Monday! ย The classes you will attend over your two weeks with us will give you essential tools that all performers need to beย successful. ย Your rehearsal time will help you put those tools to work, test them out and see how they change your approach to the material. ย When you arrive you will find your name on your check in sheet, check yourself in, drop your lunch off at the lunch box table and head into the sanctuary. ย Doors open at 8:45.

So what does one need for a two week “Theatre boot-camp”?

1) Your script. ย You will be using this not only in rehearsals for noting blocking andย choreographyย but also in your classes. ย You will need it for your character study, your voice class (as it will be a partial launching pad to how to sing better) and in your music theory class where learning to better understand music will begin with the music you must understand now.

2) A Pencil. ย You must always have a pencil with you. ย Don’t forget it. ย Don’t leave it at home. ย If you tend to misplace them, bring two or even three. ย You will need this pencil throughout your day to help retain the knowledge that will be poured into you constantly.

3) A water bottle. ย This is a MUST! ย You will be so very busy that trips to the water fountain will be few and far between. ย Your water bottle should be small enough to bring with you to every class and rehearsal and big enough to keep you hydrated throughout. ย About 18 – 24oz is a good size. ย (If you are a smaller sized human, 10-12oz might be sufficient.)

4) A Sack Lunch. ย And not just any old junk you find lying around. ย Be sure to pack a nutritious, balanced lunch that will give you the fule you need to dance and sing and act all day long. ย Someย protein, carbs, fruit and veggies. ย You must bring this every day except the final day of the second week (we will serve you pizza that day, YAY!). ย Don’t forget! ย If you have your licence, don’t think you will have time to go out and get something. ย You won’t. ย BRING YOUR LUNCH!

5) A willing spirit. ย You may find that at the end of the first day you are dog tired. ย That is good. ย That means that everyone is doing their job right. ย But you also must remember that this is a time for cooperation and group effort. ย What we accomplish in two weeks can’t be done alone. ย It takes all of us and if you come with less that 100%, none of us will be able to do what we could have. ย We need you, all the way!

SO, there you have it. ย One thing for each finger on one hand. ย Can you remember that?

Also, eat a good breakfast and don’t be late. ย I have plans for every minute of our time together and I don’t want you to miss a beat!


PAA Classes


Dances from Broadway!


Singing For the Stage: Disney Songs


Broadway Babies


Creating a Character

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Stage Makeup


Adult Musical Theatre Jazz


Conquering the Dance Audition


Triple Threat


Musical Theatre Dance


Triple Threat

PAA Awards
