Music Theory


A guest post by Krista Beckman, PAA Assistant Producer.

music_circularFor musicians of every age and skill level, music theory has the potential toย inform and enrich every aspect of their music-making. Young musicians in particularย benefit tremendously from its ability to empower โ€“ by experiencing the music they learnย on a deeper level with an increasing knowledge of its inner workings, students beginย to take true ownership of it. Instead of merely hearing sounds and mimicking them,ย students develop the ability to see and hear musical information, process and interpretย it, and share it with the world around them. As a singer and graduate student in musicย theory and conducting, theory has deepened every aspect of my musicianship, and Iโ€™veย seen it do the same for others.

At St. Lukeโ€™s Performing Arts Academy, students profit from a wide range ofย music theory knowledge shared by capable, passionate instructors. While the youngestย participants are introduced to the foundational concepts of note and rhythm reading,ย older students begin to explore higher-level musical principles such as key relationshipsย and harmonic function. A working knowledge of these concepts will serve students wellย as they transition to college education, should they choose to pursue music there. Fromย the beginning to the end of their time at PAA, students are provided with tools to shapeย their lifelong musical growth, all within the uniquely inspiring context of collaborationย with others in performance.

As a new staff member at PAA this summer, witnessing all of this learning isย very exciting for me! I know first-hand that in addition to empowering musicians throughย personal ownership, theory has the potential to make each musical experience moreย vivid and powerful. A professor once put it to me this way: When you love someone,ย you want to know everything about them because you are fascinated by them. If youย love music, you should try to discover everything you can about it with equal devotion.ย When you look and listen closely, youโ€™ll find more beauty than you had ever imagined. ย At its heart, theory is about revealing this beauty and enabling musicians to share itย confidently and passionately through their music-making.

PAA Classes


Dances from Broadway!


Singing For the Stage: Disney Songs


Broadway Babies


Creating a Character

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Stage Makeup


Adult Musical Theatre Jazz


Conquering the Dance Audition


Triple Threat


Musical Theatre Dance


Triple Threat

PAA Awards
